Monday, June 26, 2006

The Location, part deux

The Location has been doesn't look like the reception will be happening at the Learning Centre because the booking has been tricky for the times we want. We've discovered a community hall in Rosedale, just 6km from Drumheller that should work for us. We still want to have a small outdoor ceremony on the Tyrrell grounds, on this little plateau overlooking the grounds. If weather doesn't co-operate we'd like to see if we can move indoors to the Learning Centre lobby area, or if that fails the Rosedale Hall (as long as we can get a hold of them on the phone). Rosedale gives us the opportunity to decorate more, something the Learning Centre was limited in. While we could use cafeteria services for food @ the Tyrrell, Rosedale has a kitchen right there for us to use. A big difference is in the $$$---at the Learning Centre costs would include their own staff & security and would end up being about $1000 more expensive. As much as we'd love to be in the Learning Centre (they've AC too) we would spare the budget some expense.